
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、77語。
  1. gratitude
  2. remain
  3. anxiety
  4. actually
  5. relieve
  6. extent
  7. embassy
  8. enclosure
  9. organic
  10. carbon
  11. molecules
  12. enzymes
  13. shrub
  14. shiny
  15. composite
  16. bottle-green
  17. force-feed
  18. complex
  19. bloodshed
  20. add to
  21. purchased
  22. pesticide
  23. gauge
  24. upon
  25. sea level
  26. cookery
  27. heaped
  28. knelt
  29. plateau
  30. accusations
  31. demilitarised
  32. zone
  33. detective
  34. training
  35. A level
  36. playing field
  37. cattle
  38. fly
  39. low-lying
  40. coral
  41. atolls
  42. insurance
  43. massage
  44. everyday
  45. Middle Eastern
  46. outstanding
  47. build
  48. explanation
  49. rented
  50. papers
  51. outset
  52. sensation
  53. warmth
  54. solid
  55. drowsy
  56. digest
  57. filling
  58. full
  59. loaded
  60. laden
  61. shallow
  62. skull
  63. militia
  64. artillery
  65. thriving
  66. destructive
  67. roads
  68. damp
  69. sultry
  70. oppressive
  71. resignation
  72. stuff
  73. evict
  74. squatters
  75. neighbouring
  76. weather
  77. hand
視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Hanging Up)を昨日の続きから10分くらい鑑賞。 PodcastはRocketboom (HD) » All ShowsのCool Tech at the Maker Faireを鑑賞。

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