
一昨日および昨日のエントリで紹介したクルーグマンとデロングのやり取りでは、FRBが既存のモデルに囚われていたがために利上げに踏み切った、というサマーズの見解が一つのテーマになっていた。これについてデロングは、いや、FRBクルーグマン(1999)のような既存のモデルを踏襲していたら利上げを急がなかったはずだ、と述べ、クルーグマンもそれに賛意を示した。ただしクルーグマンは、デロング=サマーズ論文で提示された履歴効果は既存のモデルからは外れているだろう、とも指摘し、デロングもそれを認めた(ちなみにクルーグマンはデロングがリンクした1999年の小論の枠組みを、ゼロ金利下限付きのIS-LMIS-LM with a zero lower bound]と表現している)。



A good example of where market thought is, I think, right and simple model based thought is I think dangerously wrong is Paul’s own Mundell-Fleming lecture on confidence crises in countries that have their own currencies. Paul asserts that a damaging confidence crisis in a liquidity trap country without large foreign debts is impossible, because if one developed the currency would depreciate, generating an export surge.
Paul is certainly correct in his model, but I doubt that he is in fact. Once account is taken of the impact of a currency collapse on consumers’ real incomes, on their expectations, and especially on the risk premium associated with domestic asset values, it is easy to understand how monetary and fiscal policymakers who lose confidence and trust see their real economies deteriorate, as Olivier Blanchard and his colleagues have recently demonstrated. Paul may be right that we have few examples of crises of this kind, but if so this is, perhaps, because central banks do not in general follow his precepts.
I do not think this is a pressing issue for the US right now. But the idea that policymakers should in general follow the model and not worry about considerations of market confidence seems to me as misguided as the view that they should be governed by market confidence to the exclusion of models.


The particular fight Larry wants to pick this weekend is over Paul Krugman's Mundell-Fleming lecture, and Paul's claim that a floating-rate sovereign that borrows in its own currency and is in a liquidity trap should not worry about maintaining "confidence". Paul's argument is that, in the model, pursuing aggressive expansionary policies will eat first to currency depreciation, then to an export boom, then to full employment, and only then will any downsides emerge. Thus the process can be stopped before it begins to generate risks. And it is only after full employment is attained that policy concern should shift to avoiding such risks.
Larry, however, says: We know things that are not in the model. Those things make Paul's claim wrong.
My problem with Larry is that I am not sure what those things are. Paul notes that in normal times--away from the interest-rate zero lower bound--a loss of "confidence" in a country that floats its and borrows in its own currency an be contractionary...
But, Paul says, at the zero lower bound things are different because the central bank has a cushion between what it wants the real interest rate to be and what the zero lower bound forces the real interest rate to be...
It's not clear what we know that is not in the model that would reverse this conclusion of Paul's in the case of a floating exchange rate in a country that borrows in its own currency and happens to be in a liquidity trap. Paul notes that his conclusion goes against market wisdom...


What I said in my Mundell-Fleming lecture was that simple models don’t seem to have room for the confidence crises policymakers fear – and that I couldn’t find any plausible alternative models to justify those fears. It wasn’t “The model says you’re wrong”; it was “Show me a model”.
The reason I’ve been going on about such things is that since 2008 we’ve repeatedly seen policymakers overrule or ignore the message of basic macro models in favor of instincts that, to the extent they reflect experience at all, reflect experience that comes from very different economic environments. And these instincts have, again and again, proved wrong – while the basic models have done well. The models aren’t sacred, but the discipline of thinking things through in terms of models is really important.


The danger comes when too primitive a model is regarded as too powerful a discovery. Thus Krugman was right to recognize that first generation models of currency crises were an inadequate basis for making policy in response to many actual currency crises.
On the issue at hand my judgement is that excessive spending and fear of a sudden stop can push the IS curve back leading to contractionary capital outflows. I cite the work of Blanchard et al in support of this proposition. With a bit of political economy, the argument can be extended. Suppose countries in danger of high inflation are more likely to turn populist. It was Keynes after all who introduced animal spirits and warned Roosevelt about business confidence.



First, I am more willing than Paul to credit the possibility that people with substantial experience and even a track record of making money by predicting markets, have important insights even if they cannot speak the language of “models” in the way I teach in economics. Hyman Minsky is an example of a scholar whose warnings were ignored in part because they were not formalized not because they were incoherent or illogical.
Second, on the issue of confidence crises I think Paul is way too serene for reasons Blanchard’s work makes clear. If loss of confidence in their government or economy makes people less wealthy, they will spend less and that is contractionary. This objection may for some reason be wrong but I do not see why it should be dismissed apriori. This is a case where I think reliance on formalism may lead people astray.

デロングは、ブランシャールらの研究をIS-LMの枠組みで解釈し、同研究でIS曲線とLM曲線の交点よりも経済が左側(生産がより低い水準)に留まる要因を「信用経路のくさび(credit-channel wedge)」と呼んでいる。そのくさびにはリスクプレミアムが寄与しているが、ブランシャールらとサマーズはそれが信認と共に連続的に動くと考えている、とデロングは言う。即ち、信認が高ければリスクプレミアムは小さいものに留まり資本が流入する半面、信認が低ければリスクプレミアムは大きくなり資本流入の突然停止が発生する。一方、クルーグマンは、普段は小さいリスクプレミアムが銀行危機の際には不連続的に大きくなる、と考えている。クルーグマンによれば、巨額の外貨建て債務が存在しなければ資本流入が突然止まっても銀行危機は起きない。そして、ブランシャールらも先進国についてはクルーグマンが概ね正しいと考えている――即ち、先進国ではリスクプレミアムは比較的小さく、金融市場も比較的うまく動いており、新規の投資資金の流入量にはあまり反応しないと考えている――というのがデロングの見立てである。

*1:cf. ここ