
今日、英英辞典(Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-ROM)で引いた単語数、100語。
  1. crab
  2. ultimatums
  3. multiple
  4. abstraction
  5. austerity
  6. bareft
  7. assault
  8. dignified
  9. mined
  10. eclipse
  11. casts
  12. stitched
  13. altar
  14. embellish
  15. sulfur
  16. wreck
  17. perception
  18. subtle
  19. raiding
  20. freed
  21. prostitution
  22. related
  23. devious
  24. manipulative
  25. cunning
  26. earshot
  27. intestines
  28. foliage
  29. flurries
  30. flakes
  31. grasp
  32. decimals
  33. soggy
  34. retains
  35. brittle
  36. breadcrumbs
  37. assessment
  38. rooks
  39. topple
  40. insensitive
  41. insensitivity
  42. instinct
  43. spirits
  44. the straw that broke the camel’s back: see straw
  45. banquet
  46. refuge
  47. safe haven
  48. dreary
  49. dribs and drabs
  50. absolute
  51. raving
  52. extremes
  53. spurned
  54. adventurers
  55. pleads
  56. sanity
  57. to rant and rave: see rant
  58. Hippocratic oath
  59. foul
  60. magistrates
  61. shrouds
  62. vivacity
  63. burst
  64. swear
  65. declaration
  66. somehow
  67. slums
  68. plague
  69. flourished
  70. beware
  71. loan shark
  72. thrash
  73. ample
  74. hostility
  75. counterpart
  76. -fatal
  77. phosphorus
  78. fertilizers
  79. microbe
  80. allied
  81. disciplines
  82. impart
  83. shaky
  84. snobs
  85. damned
  86. horrid
  87. video nasty
  88. gritted
  89. suppress
  90. grit
  91. curfew
  92. decree
  93. compel
  94. deficit
  95. composure
  96. makeshift
  97. fiasco
  98. bid1
  99. bid2
  100. implicate
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