
1997年、世間がクリスマス休暇中、北アイルランドのメイズ刑務所(有罪となった武装組織メンバーのための刑務所)で、囚人が囚人によって撃ち殺されるという事件が起きた。 殺されたのはロイヤリスト超過激派武装組織LVFのリーダー、ビリー・ライト。殺したのはリパブリカン武装組織INLAのメンバー3人。面会時の移動のため中庭で移送車に乗り込もうとするライトを、INLAは収容棟の上から狙って撃った。 刑務所内でのこのような事件がいかにして起きたのか、当局と武装組織との間に極秘裏の関係があったのではないか、という点について、2005年から5年の月日と£30mの費用を投じて、パブリック・インクワイアリが行なわれてきた。その結果の報告書が2010年9月14日に公表された。 続きを読む
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

LVF leader Billy Wright gave me a lift one night when my car broke down. He actually brought me back to his home to call a taxi.

2010-09-14 06:56:32
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

@dt_ni Life is strange. I had a very deep conversation with him. I take the view there is good in everybody even if you have to mine it.

2010-09-14 07:06:58
Chris Hagan @hagan_utv

Wright inquiry expected to rule out collusion in the INLA murder but will be scathing of prison regime.

2010-09-14 21:56:31
Chris Hagan @hagan_utv

Wright inquiry is highly critical of Prison Service and the Maze Governor, and criticises the destruction of prison documents about murder.

2010-09-14 22:48:44

Remembering Billy Wright - BBC News (blog) http://bit.ly/bS5EXe

2010-09-14 23:31:58
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills


2010-09-15 01:33:28
Chris Hagan @hagan_utv

SoS says Wright inquiry has found no state collusion in murder of Billy Wright.

2010-09-14 23:36:34
Chris Hagan @hagan_utv

Wright inquiry panel say not persuaded any evidence of collusion or collusive actrs but serious failings in running of prison.

2010-09-14 23:37:31

A report that cost £30m has found there was no state collusion in the murder of Loyalist paramilitary leader Billy Wright

2010-09-14 23:37:38
Politico.ie @politico_ie

Billy Wright - his murder and the 2004 report into collusion. Plus a 1996 interview with Wright (Magill): http://bit.ly/a72b4y

2010-09-14 23:38:26
Edith Heffernan @EdithHeffernan

Listening to report results on Billy Wright murder there is going to be trouble up north tonight. Ugh.

2010-09-14 23:38:59
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

No collusion in death of loyalist paramilitary Billy Wright. Failing were negligent not collusive says Public Inquiry

2010-09-14 23:40:06
Stewart Darkin @stewartdarkin

Who wrote the report, Man City?: RT @SkyNewsBreak: A report costing £30m found no state collusion in murder of Loyalist leader Billy Wright

2010-09-14 23:40:46
Catherine Mayer @catherine_mayer

No state collusion in Billy Wright's murder, apparently. Just "failings in the system" http://www.billywrightinquiry.org/

2010-09-14 23:40:49
Chris Hagan @hagan_utv

SoS Paterson says murder of Wright should not have happened as he was in protective custody. It was wrong and result of serious failings.

2010-09-14 23:41:56
The Voice of Reason @Right_Always

Tories: No more open ended, uncosted publicly funded inquiries <Great news. £30 MILLION for Billy Wright farce.

2010-09-14 23:44:21
Chris Hagan @hagan_utv

SoS says there were serious failings by prison authorities which did "facilitate" Wright's death but they were a result of negligence.

2010-09-14 23:45:16
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

No state collusion in loyalist Billy Wright's murder in Northern Ireland's Maze Prison in 1997, inquiry finds. See Channel 4 News website.

2010-09-14 23:45:55
Mark @lappinm

RTÉ: Official inquiry into the murder of loyalist prisoner Billy Wright in the Maze prison in NI finds no state collusion in his killing

2010-09-14 23:46:28
ally @blacflag

Billy Wright was clearly a blood thirsty psycho but i'm not buying that no authority collusion in his death, he was well set up...

2010-09-14 23:47:53
harry fowler @harryo

Normally if you're murdered, the police wouldn't spend £30million to find out the cause. Different if your name's Billy Wright though.

2010-09-14 23:48:21
Vicki Hawthorne @Vicki_Hawthorne

Inquiry finds no collusion in murder of loyalist Billy Wright.

2010-09-14 23:49:48
Malachy Browne @malachybrowne

Billy Wright report: NI prison service "negligent", did not deliberately collude in Wright's murder

2010-09-14 23:49:57

RT @skynewsbreak: A report that cost £30m has found there was no state collusion in the murder of Loyalist paramilitary leader Billy Wright

2010-09-14 23:50:03
Tweet NI @tweetni

(UTV) 'No collusion' in Billy Wright murder http://bit.ly/cMNWzG

2010-09-14 23:50:10
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